Business Technology Insights

Optimizing License Sprawl for Significant Savings

Written by Centre Technologies | February 23, 2021

After determining a pain point for this IT team, Centre quickly identified how to reduce massive cloud sprawl for significant cost savings.


Annual cost savings from optimizing and
purging unused Microsoft licenses


Significant License Sprawl

An IT team knew their security posture was noncompliant and was challenged with hiring internally or outsourcing to support their business. Centre stepped in to assess the situation and identified significant waste and license sprawl. Once the assessment was delivered, Centre was trusted to implement the new security strategy that complied with Microsoft regulations while decreasing unused licenses.  


Optimization and Management

After analyzing Microsoft 365 licensing usage and associated costs, Centre removed more than 130 unassigned and disabled licenses. Through assessing their security environment, Centre identified vulnerabilities and made their environment compliant. In addition to savings, Centre equipped its internal IT team to handle minor escalations through tailored product training.


Valued IT Partner

Centre is continuing to provide guidance to improve security and compliance for Microsoft 365. The next steps for this organization will be optimizing their device deployments to users through Autopilot and utilizing Intune to help manage mobile accessibility. Centre will continue looking for areas to further enhance processes that will save time and resources for their IT staff.


"In such a short time we are already seeing a great value in having Centre Technologies as a partner."


Systems Analyst

Oil & Energy solutions provider in North America

About this Energy Customer
An industry leader in production treating chemicals, water treatment technologies, water transfer services and completions & drilling products. The growth from its inception is represented by the steady increases in total revenue, profitability, market share, and sophistication of products.

About Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365 is designed to help you achieve more with innovative Office aps, intelligent cloud services, and world-class security. Compare and choose from a variety of plans designed for businesses to customize when considering cost, features, and security. Centre's team of Microsoft experts help you fully utilize the benefits of 365 and minimize the risk.