Business Technology Insights

Meet Erin Justice: Payroll Administrator @ Centre

Written by Emily Kirk | May 15, 2024

For this month's @ Centre post, we wanted to introduce you to a person maybe you wouldn't interact with as a customer but is just as integral at making your experience a good one. Erin Justice is new to our team but has already shown her passion and care for the team she is a part of. Not only is she someone who values precision and hard work, but she recognizes the value of community and paying attention to the little things. It's that dedication that gives our customer-facing departments the support they need to be successful. She is an foundational point of your experience, and we're excited for you to get to know her! 

Like our last @ Centre feature, Erin contributes to her team in ways that make her stand out in a crowd. As a part of our Finance team, she not only has to deal with difficult decisions but solves any problems with grace and precision. without her, our teams wouldn't be able to function for our customers the way they're supposed to her. She is kind, courteous, and a wonderful person to talk to if you're ever in our Houston office. If you can't get out this far, never fear, we're excited to give you insight into her sincerity and passion on the blog! See for yourself the ways in which she pursues greatness daily, all with decorum and joy. Without further adieu, meet Erin Justice! 

If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would you choose and why? 

I would go to dinner with my grandmother in a heartbeat. Thankfully she's still alive. As I've gotten older, I've gotten to know her true personality and not who she needed to be in order to be another role model in my life. As her only grandchild, she instilled a lot of values that would last a lifetime, such as the power of education and hard work, but as a child, I wanted to be "fun". Throughout my journey in adulthood, I can now look back and say she wasn't wrong about a thing. She knew the woman I would become, and my 'superpowers' before I did. I can also look back and laugh because I now see that I just wasn't old enough for her fun. We share a love for a good movie and a game night, but these days she's a little tougher than I remember. The numerous things we have in common has shown me that she was and is still one of my favorite people in the world. 

How would you describe your role’s impact on Centre customers?

As the payroll administrator for Centre, I am responsible for assuring each of my teammates are paid for their hard work and dedication to our mission. I am in charge of processing bi-weekly payroll, as well as reconciling credit card and out-of-pocket expenses accrued from meeting with our customers, vendors and partners.

Being efficient in my role makes it possible for my teammates to travel to various customer sites, take them out for a meal to continue networking, or host and attend events with prospective clients.


"As the payroll administrator for Centre, I am responsible for assuring each of my teammates are paid for their hard work and dedication to our mission...Being efficient in my role makes it possible for my teammates to travel to various customer sites, take them out for a meal to continue networking, or host and attend events with prospective [customers]."

Erin Justice

Payroll Administrator at Centre Technologies 


If you were stranded on a deserted island alone, what three items would you need? 

Water, ChapStick and a knife, easily! Obviously, the water would only last so long, but it's better to have it than not at all. If possible, I'd take a bottled water, so I wouldn't need to worry myself with storing it and bugs getting in it. Chapstick is an essential item. Being on a deserted island is one thing, but you're lips and your mouth is dry? That's a lot to handle on an island. A knife is necessary - I'd be able to eat, cut, or stab anything in terms of survival. 

If you could play one game for the rest of your life, which one and why? 

As a competitive person, I could play monopoly for the rest of my life. You learn so much about a person and what they're willing to do to beat you. I've played a few times as an individual player and as a 'team' and let's just say, I rarely lose, but if I do, you won't beat me with same strategy. That's what I like most about the game, there isn't one way to play. I also prefer the old fashioned version with cash instead of a debit card. With the card, you're more eager to swipe and sacrifice what you've built than when you're physically touching your money. 

In your own words, how would you describe Centre’s differentiators?

There is a common understanding that each team member has an instrumental part to play to ensure success is achieved for all of our customers. Centre encourages professional growth as well as a work-life balance. Because of this mentality, we can continue to provide high-level and consistent service to all of our customers in a professional manner, regardless of their industry or company size.

How would you describe the #ONETEAM culture at Centre?

Centre's dedication to ensure everyone is working together as #ONETEAM is like no other. Even with the various locations spreading across the state, Centre makes continuous efforts to uplift the team, encourage growth and compliment the team for their hard work. This philosophy has spread across to every member of the team, as we work diligently to assure our customers that we are still the best for the job.

Erin, we welcome you to our team with the excitement of someone who shows so much promise. Thank you for supporting our teams and contributing to the #ONETEAM culture in an impactful way. We're honored to have you on our #ONETEAM

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