Business Technology Insights

Meet Jason Bridgeman: Director of Service Delivery @ Centre

Written by Emily Kirk | June 19, 2023

Jason Bridgeman is, hands down, one of the coolest people I've listened to. Not only does he have an incredibly interesting personally, but he also works to ensure there is a direct connection between customers and their assigned Service Delivery team. He makes sure things are running smoothly so if you've never run into him, he thinks that's a great thing! We're honored to have his intelligence, hard-work, and desire for success driving us forward.

Jason is a pivotal culture creator for Centre Technologies. Like our last @ Centre feature, he works hard to provide Centre customers with a combination of  personalized support and quality solutions. We sat down with him to see how his personality and passion are perfect for his role @ Centre. He embodies the go-getter attitude we love about our team and he's also an incredibly interesting human outside work hours. Get ready to want to live vicariously through Jason Bridgeman! 

If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would you choose and why?

Michael Jackson. He touched the lives of so many people, myself included, and I would like to get to know the man while off the stage. People can be so much more profound and interesting when you get them one-on-one as opposed to what you see on stage and I bet he'd be no different. Also I love music and sitting down with a music legend like him would be amazing. His talent combined with his impact, I can't imagine better wisdom. 

If you go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Everest while on a motorcycle. There is joy in accomplishing something on your own while being one with your environment and not trapped behind a cage. You're completely free and get to experience the world as it was meant to be! I also like a challenge. To face a problem that I have not seen before and figure it out before anyone else get my amped up.

How would you describe your role’s impact on Centre customers?

I oversee the  specific team in our Service Delivery Model. I facilitate the engagement between all their customers and the support team. I also design and implement new features for our cloud based clients to give them a better overall experience with their Azure Virtual Desktop.  I make sure our customers are on the cutting edge of technology that is reliable and sustainable. I want to make sure they don't have to worry about the technology that they're required to interact with on a daily basis. I like to face a problem that I have not seen before and figure it out before anyone else. I also like to answer calls when a client is upset and end the call with the client being happy with the outcome and experience of the interaction. My goal is: if they never think about calling the IT team, I know I'm doing my job correctly.


I like to answer calls when a client is upset and end the call with the client being happy with the outcome and experience of the interaction. My goal is: if they never think about calling the IT team, I know I'm doing my job correctly.

Jason Bridgeman 

Director of Service Delivery 


Do you have a hidden talent? Tell us more!

I can turn my feet 300 degrees from each other (don't worry we asked more questions after that fun fact). I've been able to do it ever since I can remember. It is just the way my leg tendons are built. Because of that, I can’t pigeon-toe very well.

When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

An astronaut of course! Like I said, I love a challenge and even though being an astronaut seems like every kid's dream, it was a challenge that I wanted to succeed at. I've also always drawn to the need to fly, not just as a kid but even now. I might be too old to get into NASA, but I can still get my pilot’s license. I already have all the study materials. 

How would you describe the #ONETEAM culture at Centre?

My favorite thing about Centre is everyone embodies a warm and friendly place that really cares about their employees. We are a  #ONETEAM where we all work towards the grater good of the company all while having fun doing it. We personalize our offices with different video games, Culture Club put on Marvel themed events and D&D campaigns. Our culture is built around accomplishing our goal as a team and having fun! 

In your own words, how would you describe Centre’s differentiators?

We are a true team. Employees are not hording information for job security. We promote self growth to better the life and career of the employees. We make the environment a friendly place that makes me happy to wake out of bed and head into the office.

Thank you, Jason, for the time you dedicate to make our team a better one. You offer so much to Centre and the customers who choose us. Thank you for everything you do! We are proud to have you on our #ONETEAM. 

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