Business Technology Insights

Meet Michael Mayeux: Information Security Analyst @ Centre

Written by Emily Kirk | October 11, 2023

Meet Michael Mayeux! If you've ever worked with him, then you know just how dedicated he is to making sure you and your business are prepared for anything. Michael drives our Security Awareness Trainings for customers, motivating businesses to educate themselves on new trends in the ever-changing cybersecurity realm! He is smart, precise, and understands the value of teamwork from every angle. The way he contributes to our culture daily makes him a deeply important teammate at Centre. Get to know him more below! 

Like our last @ Centre feature, Michael has a passion for providing quality with everything he does. When we preach Employee Security Awareness Training so often, it's comforting to know we have people like Michael who are driven and knowledgeable managing that security posture for our customers. If you haven't met him yet, you're doing something wrong (both in you business and personal life) because his focus and understanding of the needs of your company is something you need in your life. We're honored to have him as a pivotal part of our team. A man who needs no introduction but deserves on anyways, meet Michael Mayeux. 

If you go anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

Switzerland or Japan. I want to experience the contrast between the countries. Switzerland is known for amazing natural beauty and my wife always tells me about wanting to see castles in Europe which Switzerland is known for. On the flip side, the busy life of Tokyo has always intrigued me. Another similar place I'd like to visit is Seoul, South Korea.

How would you describe your role’s impact on Centre customers?

My primary focus at Centre is managing/deploying Security Awareness Training for our Secure Managed Service Customers. I like to think I have a direct impact on the end user's cybersecurity knowledge. End users are the first line of defense in cyber security . If you can educate them so they know what to look out for then the company as a whole is in a better position. Security Training helps give them the knowledge they need to do this and I get to directly impact that.


End users are the first line of defense in cyber security . If you can educate them so they know what to look out for then the company as a whole is in a better position. Security Training helps give them the knowledge they need to do this and I get to directly impact that.

Michael Mayeux

Information Security Analyst at Centre Technologies 

If you were stranded on a deserted island alone, what three items would you need?

A GPS emergency tracker beacon, a fully charged satellite phone, and a nicely-chilled pina colada to sip while I await my rescue. With the GPS tracker beacon and satellite phone it's pretty much guaranteed  I'll be able to reach out to someone and be located. And what better way to wait than with a pina colada?

You get to choose one superpower, which one are you choosing and why? 

Superhuman strength. I'm a simple guy so just being insanely strong suits me.

In your own words, how would you describe Centre’s differentiators?

Every company talks about teamwork, but this is the first place I've ever worked where people really do work together to actually resolve problems. Every day the Centre Assist team reaches out to the Security Operations team for help and we all reach out to the ES/Internal Tools team for help. Without one of these teams we wouldn't run as efficiently as we do on a regular basis. 

If you could have dinner with anyone alive or dead, who would you choose and why?

My grandfather or Richard Dawkins. Richard Dawkins is known for his knowledge and passion for factual evidence to explain what we (human beings) don't know or understand. He was also a professor of Zoology which is a field I initially wanted to be when I was younger. I also said my grandfather because he passed when I was 19 and wasn't able to meet or know my children which I wish he had the chance to do.

How would you describe the #ONETEAM culture at Centre?

One thing that stands out about Centre's #ONETEAM culture is the ability to easily communicate between departments and the willingness of different team members to help one another. Unlike other companies, there is a focus on "US" as a team instead of an individual mindset.

Thank you, Michael, for your leadership and expertise but more importantly for the personality you bring to our #ONETEAM. Centre is a better place with your presence! We're excited to see how you revolutionize our culture in the future. 

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