UPDATED June 20, 2023
At Centre, we often remind our customers that technology is a tool they can leverage to help their business grow but that technology is the centre (see what we did there?) of every business. What's more, we see it as every problem has an IT solution that can help. However, each business may need a very different set of tools to bring out their best. Not only that, but some things have changed over time. Fortunately, these 3 tools are proving to stand the test of time. Check out how cloud services, virtual infrastructure, and virtualization are still innovating the way we solve and prevent IT issues for the future.
Among the many tools that are revolutionizing workplace, the three that you need to pay attention to are virtualization, the cloud, and workplace mobility. The days of typing at a desk, scheduling meetings, and operating with limited resources are nearly over. Businesses are turning remote, some completely and some hybrid, but like it or not, COVID changed the way we use technology in the workplace. Businesses that leverage these 3 tried and true technologies have a greater competitive advantage. Let's take a closer look how.
Everything seems to be in the cloud nowadays. Studies predicted it a decade ago, and that time has come to pass. Research tells us that more than 85% of businesses not only use cloud hosted services, but they use more than one cloud to backup their data. Businesses are increasing their productivity, access, and scalability at a fraction of the traditional, on-premise cost that some businesses are used to. Sure, everything comes with its pros and cons, disadvantages, and need for efficiency but ultimately Cloud Solutions offer so much more than just a backup of your data.
Businesses that leverage the cloud will find that they deploy a more efficient workplace mobility practices, better security across the infrastructure, and more efficient disaster recovery/business continuity measures. More importantly, the cloud is flexible. Businesses that don’t have the time or resources to install and implement an entire IT infrastructure only have to ask for what they need. It's cheaper and more efficient across the board, getting you back to what's most important: your business.
A decade ago, a partner study by Cisco found that 92% of employees who are part of a BYOD workplace will use their own phones every week to answer work email, use job-related websites and apps, and make work calls.
And look at us now. Not only do we use our cellphones for booming social media platforms, but we can't stay off of it. We work from our phones, socialize from our phones, and anything in between with our phones. So naturally, a Bring Your Own Device workplace has become absolutely commonplace.
There are two ways a business can promote mobility – providing their employees with company owned devices, or implementing a BYOD plan. This is up to each business's discretion: Choose a strategy that fits the needs of your business. You want to use the right governance and technology measures to ensure the success of your workplace mobility strategy. Businesses that embrace mobility find that their employees are more engaged with their work, and, ultimately, more efficient.
Furthermore, working hours are dramatically increasing (even if they're at home) — the rise in the technology industry and the ways COVID changed our workforce are major parts of that. Flexibility remains an issue in our every day hybrid businesses. Not every company can provide flexibility, but for those that can, you will find employee morale increases, employees work faster, and you will get results. With remote access delivered by virtual desktop services, employees can log in and see their work desktop as if they were at the office — a virtual office. A virtual office allows managers to control business applications and data with secure access for employees via internet or Virtual Private Network (VPN) connection. How’s that for work-life balance?
Virtualization and cloud desktops allows multiple software to run on a single server while tricking each software instance into thinking that it’s running on its own hardware. Essentially, it is the separation of the software layer from the hardware layer in order to use the hardware more efficiently across several platforms.
Nowadays, businesses or individuals no longer have to make nearly as many decisions when it comes to purchasing hardware when your business is in the cloud. In many cases, there are no hardware decisions to make. You only pay for the services you need.
When deploying virtual desktops there's less need for concern when it comes to data security. Your data will be encrypted and protected by state-of-the-art security measures. More effective protection against viruses and malware for your devices. And thanks to automatic updates, you will have more time for your core business.
It means being able to efficiently use one server to support multiple workstations and devices. It means being able to deliver virtual desktops and applications to your employees anywhere, at any time, with the best security. Virtualization streamlines an entire infrastructure, making it simple, more manageable, and much more scalable. Instead of purchasing an entire new server to accommodate one set of workstations, that same server can deliver to several sets of workstations both in, and out, of the office.
Do you need one or two tools? Do you need all three? Cloud solutions, virtualization, and workplace mobility can be modified to fit any business. The final question, then, is, “What direction do you want your business to take?”
With a business cloud solution from us, your business gains a complete workspace hosted in the cloud. Delivering cloud desktops, business and productivity applications, and a complete back-office system to users anywhere, anytime, on any device. The ease and flexibility of running a business when you’re not physically in the office is now possible.
Get started with an IT solution that fits your vision of the future. Let Centre Technologies help you find the perfect technology tools for your business today.