Business Technology Insights

An In-Depth Guide to Unstructured Data

Written by Centre Technologies | October 5, 2023

In the digital age, data is the core of business growth. Yet, for some businesses, the concept of unstructured data can be a challenging puzzle. What is unstructured data? How can it be used to drive business success? Unstructured data encompasses many types, from textual documents and multimedia files to social media feeds and sensor readings.

To give you an idea, unstructured data accounts for 80%-90% of new business data — growing three times faster than structured data. Predictions indicate its volume will surge from 33 zettabytes in 2018 to 175 zettabytes by 2025. However, only about 10% of this data is expected to be stored and analyzed, highlighting the need for proactive data management.

Thus, understanding unstructured data and its various forms is vital for businesses seeking growth and competitiveness.

Unstructured Data: Definition

Unstructured data is raw, uncategorized information that doesn't conform to traditional databases or predefined structures. You can define unstructured data as the digital equivalent of an untamed wilderness, often challenging for businesses to harness effectively.

Unstructured data includes various formats, each holding unique content and requiring specific approaches for analysis.

  • Text documents: These documents contain written content and may incorporate text, tables and images, making them rich textual information sources. This includes plain text files, Microsoft Word documents, PDF files and HTML files.
  • Emails: Email communications often contain unstructured text data and diverse file attachments, such as images, documents or spreadsheets. Unpacking the insights from emails involves deciphering both the text and attached files.
  • Images: Unstructured visual data is stored in various formats, such as JPEG, PNG, GIF and TIFF. 
    Extracting meaning from these files requires specialized techniques like computer vision, enabling analysis and recognition of visual content.
  • Audio files: These files contain sonic information, necessitating audio processing techniques for uncovering valuable insights. Audio data formats include MP3, WAV and FLAC. 
  • Video files: Video data is available in popular formats like MP4, AVI and MOV. Analyzing videos involves a combination of computer vision and audio processing techniques.
  • Log files: Typically generated by various systems or applications, log files primarily contain unstructured text data. These logs offer insights into system performance, security incidents and user behavior, making them valuable for optimization and security analysis.
  • Sensor data: Unstructured sensor data is widespread in wearable tech, industrial sensors and IoT devices. This data includes temperature readings and GPS coordinates, providing valuable real-time information.
  • Social media posts: Data from social platforms or messaging apps is multifaceted, incorporating text, images and multimedia content. The absence of a predefined structure in social media data requires flexible analysis techniques to derive insights.

Understanding unstructured data is crucial as it holds valuable, untapped insights vital for informed decision-making. Extracting meaning from diverse formats like text, images and audio allows businesses to enhance customer experiences, optimize operations and gain a competitive edge.


Unstructured data is invaluable for gaining deep insights into customer behavior, preferences and sentiments. Businesses use unstructured data to enhance customer engagement, personalize marketing efforts and refine products or services. It also fuels innovation by providing uncharted information and fostering data-driven decision-making.

This data also aids in improving operational efficiency through the analysis of system logs and sensor data. Additionally, it's a treasure trove for competitive intelligence, allowing businesses to stay competitive in rapidly evolving markets.


Unstructured data can be categorized into two types:

  • Human-generated unstructured data: This type includes content people produce, such as text documents, emails, images and social media posts. It reflects human expression and communication and often lacks a predefined structure.
  • Machine-generated unstructured data: This category includes data generated by machines or systems, like log files, sensor data and automated reports. It originates from technical processes and may not adhere to conventional data structures, making it a valuable but complex resource.

Understanding unstructured data types can help business owners implement appropriate data processing and analysis techniques, leading to more accurate insights, improved decision-making and enhanced operational efficiency.


Structured data refers to organized and well-defined information stored in a format with a clear schema or data model. It typically consists of data presented in rows and columns, making it easy to search, filter and analyze using traditional database systems. Examples include customer names, addresses and product prices in a spreadsheet or relational database.

Structured and unstructured data differ significantly in several key aspects:

  • Format: Structured data is arranged in organized, predefined tables or databases with clear data types, whereas unstructured data lacks a fixed format that contains various file types.
  • Data models: Structured data adheres to a rigid data model with specific relationships and schemas and unstructured data has no predefined structure or schema — data is often free-form.
  • Storage: You can typically store structured data in a relational database management system like MySQL or SQL. Unstructured data requires specialized unstructured databases or flexible storage solutions.
  • Data nature: Structured data is more quantitative, organized and easily queried. That said, unstructured data is more qualitative, varied and challenging to query without advanced techniques.
  • Analysis methods: SQL queries, statistical methods and structured algorithms are used to analyze structured data. In comparison, unstructured data requires natural language processing, machine learning and computer vision for analysis.

Understanding these distinctions is vital, as it guides data management decisions, including adopting suitable unstructured databases and analytical tools.


Collecting unstructured data poses unique challenges. Unlike structured data, which fits neatly into databases, unstructured data comes in diverse formats. To effectively gather unstructured data, businesses need flexible data collection methods capable of capturing this varied content.

This may involve web scraping tools for online text data, image recognition software for visual data or audio transcription services for spoken content. Embracing modern technology and unstructured databases allows businesses to harness the power of this data for insights and growth.


Storing unstructured data demands scalability and flexibility. Traditional databases may need help with their varied formats. The solution lies in unstructured data storage systems, purpose-built to handle this complexity.

Options include cloud-based solutions like Amazon S3, Azure Blob Storage and on-premises unstructured databases. These systems adapt to evolving data needs, ensuring easy retrieval and analysis of unstructured content.

For businesses seeking reliable technology solutions, utilizing specialized unstructured data storage is a crucial step toward using the full potential of their data assets.


Effectively processing unstructured data is crucial for extracting value. Unlike structured data, it lacks predefined formats. Utilizing natural language processing, machine learning and computer vision, unstructured data processing transforms raw content into actionable insights.

This process involves sentiment analysis, image recognition and audio transcription, enabling businesses to uncover customer sentiments, trends and operational efficiencies. Pairing the right tools with unstructured databases makes unstructured data valuable for informed decision-making.


Managing unstructured data poses unique hurdles for business owners. Here are some critical obstacles to unstructured data:

  • Volume, variety and velocity: Unstructured data's sheer volume, diverse formats and rapid generation make it challenging to organize and analyze efficiently. Scaling storage and processing capabilities are crucial to handle this volume effectively.
  • Data storage options: Traditional databases aren't designed for unstructured data. Selecting the correct unstructured database or cloud storage solution tailored to the specific content types is essential to avoid data silos and ensure accessibility.
  • Unstructured data processing: Extracting insights from unstructured data demands advanced techniques like NLP and computer vision. Acquiring the right tools and skills to process different data types is challenging.
  • Security and compliance concerns: Unstructured data's decentralized nature poses security and compliance risks. Ensuring data privacy, protection and adherence to regulations requires robust security measures.

Addressing these challenges with suitable technology solutions and strategies can unlock the valuable potential of unstructured data while mitigating risks.


Centre Technologies — a trusted IT partner with extensive local experience — specializes in addressing the intricacies of unstructured data. We offer tailored solutions, including unstructured data storage, processing and database management.

As you've discovered in this blog, unstructured data is both a challenge and an opportunity. We invite you to take action today to maximize its potential for your Texas or Oklahoma small business. 

Contact us to learn more today. Let's embark on a journey to transform your unstructured data into valuable insights that drive operational efficiency and business success.