How IT Services in San Antonio Are Fueling Healthcare’s Tech Evolution

Let’s face it, everywhere you turn nowadays there is some type of technology. This is nothing new, of course; this is life in the 21st century. Technology helps us connect, stream, and even accomplish everyday tasks. One area that technology has a major impact on is healthcare. This field uses many devices on a day-to-day basis. San Antonio is second in the number of hospitals within city-limits, right after Houston, in Texas. There are over twenty hospitals within the city. That many hospitals require a lot of technology and IT services in San Antonio. Read on as we look at how much technology is used in hospitals and how cities like San Antonio use IT services.

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Digital Health Records

Remember when doctors would come in with your records on a clipboard? That time has been long gone. Hospitals have integrated the use of computers with moveable stands, making it easier to move from one room to the next. It becomes easier for patients to check results as well. Since the records are digitized, the hospital can grant access to a patient instead of having to make an appointment.

To provide these digital health records, hospitals need to use technology for testing as well as reporting. IT support for healthcare is a vital part of keeping doctors and patients connected.


The use of telehealth is growing each day. Patients are not having to wait as long to see a doctor, and the usage of telehealth is providing healthcare access to rural areas. These areas may have people that are unable to receive care due to distance or other circumstances. Having the ability to connect over the phone or on the computer has allowed those areas to receive the healthcare they need.

Aside from rural areas, telehealth has helped with monitoring while the patient is in their home. The ability to send appointment or medication reminders, and track daily activities, can help patients keep track of their needs and schedule; and help doctors and family keep track as well.

3D Printing

3D Printing is used for a variety of different things. The healthcare industry has been using 3D printing in efforts to make prosthetics as close to the original limb as possible. This has provided increased comfort for patients receiving these prosthetics. Having something close to what it was before has allowed many people to go on with their lives and pursue countless goals and aspirations.

3D printing has helped in times of crisis as well. In March 2020, a small business owner in San Antonio used her 3D printer to make face shields for healthcare workers. This was during the start of the pandemic where supplies were low. 3D printing allowed this woman to help her community and help health care providers stay safe.

San Antonio, being one of the biggest cities in Texas, rely on these technological advances to provide the best healthcare to the community. Therefore, we have opened a location to provide IT services in San Antonio so that healthcare professionals can continue to serve the community. Contact us to learn more about our San Antonio location.

Originally published on July 30, 2021

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Secure Managed Services Secure Managed Services

Organizations trust Centre to deploy, manage, and secure IT solutions that ensure day-to-day business continuity and increase operational efficiency. Centre’s Managed Services provide 24x7 secure by default IT support and proactive consulting that keep businesses moving. Centre Assist™ technical consultants work alongside customers to deliver innovation and business optimization by being an extension of their team. Learn more about Secure Managed Services »

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