For this commercial real estate brokerage in San Antonio, costs kept rising but downtime wasn’t decreasing. While providing commercial real estate services in Texas for over 50 years, their IT environment was in desperate need of an upgrade. They reached out for help as soon as they realized the benefits of switching to a cloud solution.

Aging IT Environment and Rising Management Costs
This real estate agency operated on a traditional IT environment, utilizing multiple computers on an aging environment. After experiencing increasing breakdowns, interruptions, and needing more computer part and hard drive replacements, this company recognized the need for a more scalable solution.
"The cloud has solved technology issues. It’s simpler, it’s… less expensive, and we have very few break downs or interruptions."
San Antonio Commercial Real Estate Broker
Cloud Migration Leading to Smoother Business Operations
After moving their environment to the cloud, this commercial real estate company noticed an immediate difference in business operations. The cloud had removed the need to replace hardware or parts, therefore also limiting business interruptions. This stark contrast was also displayed in the company finances via decreasing spend on repair or maintenance.
"We haven’t had any breakdowns and we haven’t had to buy any new computers. It’s simple, more convenient, and less expensive."
Commercial Real Estate Broker in San Antonio, TX
Reaping the Benefits of Cloud Computing
This client continues to utilize cloud desktop services that amplify business growth and functionality. As they enjoy easy scalability and a faster, more reliable environment, they look forward to expanding their business with ease through Desktop-as-a-Services (DaaS) offerings and enhancements.
"They’re competent, they react immediately if we have any issue or question, and we trust them."
San Antonio Commercial Real Estate Broker
About this Commercial Real Estate Broker
This San Antonio company has been providing commercial real estate services in Texas for over 50 years. They provide buyer representation and represent commercial, industrial, residential development land, ranches, farms, and improved commercial properties.
About Cloud Desktop Services
Cloud Desktop Services from Centre Technologies combines scale, security, and cost benefits for a secure remote desktop from virtually anywhere. This Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) offering allows organizations to run virtual applications and desktop services in the public cloud to deliver consistent resources and experience to employees.