Who Benefits from Virtual Desktop Infrastructure and BYOD Management

Updated May 6, 2024

Embracing and integrating Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is like unlocking a treasure trove of growth opportunities for businesses. By shifting away from on-premises machinery, VDI paves the way for quicker access to data, breaking down the barriers that traditional IT infrastructure often imposes. While many only scratch the surface of VDI's potential, we're here to reveal how you can revolutionize and expand your business using 5 unique strategies with VDI.

It's no secret that anything stored in the cloud saves you time and money. Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is no different. In fact, it opens up the floodgates for a more flexible and an even more reliable way of doing business. From the ability to create a highly personalized workspace to avoiding maintenance costs and software update costs, VDI offers more secure and reliable resources than one can count. Before a company switches to VDI however, it’s important to understand how VDI fits into the organization and what would work best for the company. For example, will it be best to opt for a persistent virtual desktop infrastructure or a nonpersistent infrastructure? Once questions like these are answered, you can move on to enjoy the awesome benefits of utilizing VDI.

Who Benefits from Using VDI

Remote, Local, and Hybrid Workers

One of the most popularly known ways to use VDI is to expand the flexibility of the workforce by enabling remote, local, and hybrid workers. VDI is hosted on a centralized server and all Virtual Machines (VM’s) must be host-based. End clients are then connected to a central server. Once the connection is established, a virtual desktop is automatically located from the available options. Afterwards, the VM monitor (VMM) or hypervisor, creates, manages, and runs VDI VM’s.

Animation of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure supporting Desktop as a Service devices for Office and Home use

This enables users to connect from anywhere to a specific desktop environment. This is great for companies that have limited office space or can’t provide all employees with additional laptop or desktop equipment. Most businesses worry about this flexibility creating security issues, but security is actually improved since data isn’t stored locally on computers. Since VDI is controlled from a single point, it’s easy to monitor traffic and applying security patches becomes super easy.

On top of this additional layer of security, those that utilize VDI for remote, local, and hybrid workers get to enjoy cost savings because of the lack of hardware needed to run these environments.

Kiosk, Local, and Contract Workers

These kinds of workers perform repetitive tasks within a usually relatively small set of applications. These applications are usually not as memory intensive as applications used by knowledge workers. The most important aspect to kiosk, task, and contract workers is mobility. They need to access their applications but without all of the extra features associated with desktops usually.

Kiosk users include students using a shared computer in a classroom, nurses at nursing stations, and computers used for job placement and recruiting. Desktops like these require automatic login but authentication can be done through certain applications if necessary. Task users can utilize a terminal server setup and operate at full capacity.

It’s best to consider the types of applications that users run and the quality of the network they’re connecting over as well as the range of devices they will need or want to use. Contract workers usually require their own desktop, and thanks to VDI they’re able to utilize individual workspaces. This flexibility allows for full-stack solutions like those from VMware and Citrix — satisfying many users.

Customer Support Staff 

It is becoming more and more popular for customer support staff to utilize cloud-native VDI (otherwise known as Cloud Desktops). Whether there's an office location or not, the ability to enable remote access for customer support staff has proven highly beneficial. Not only does it increase productivity, but it also reduces costs, simplifies device management, and even improves business operations.

Cloud desktops have lower latency than on-premise VDI which creates an improved connection quality and speed for employees on their devices. Latency is primarily determined by the distance from a device to the data center. There is a vast global network of these data centers, therefore employees are never too far from a data center. On-premise VDI usually requires one data center location for all employees around the globe. This distance usually causes latency issues that often impact customer support staff and service.

Considering customer support staff heavily relies on handling a high volume of phone calls, this saves time, increases efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction. Users get to utilize the dynamic scalability of resources. This feature enables things like easy onboarding and offboarding so new employees can hit the ground running and so much more.

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Deployments

Desktop Virtualization allows employers to piggyback off of BYOD and save lots of money doing sp. This increases flexibility and security of a remote workers and those in office. With BYOD, employees can utilize their own devices with dual-factor authentication to access VDI. Once they’re logged in, a view of the desktop screen will be transferred to their local device. This allows organizations to enjoy streamlined management, cost efficiencies, and improved functionality.

Without relying on the horsepower of endpoint devices, virtual desktops that function in this capacity allow their IT department to increase the life of existing PCs. It is also one way to enjoy the benefits that VDI has to offer while staying cost-effective — and this cost-effective bonus doesn’t mean less security either!

Graphic Intensive Applications

For organizations that utilize manufacturing or oil exploration applications that are graphics-heavy (like AutoCAD or Kingdom), adding a High-Definition Experience (HDX) service enables virtual desktop users to experience consistency across a wide platform of supported devices and networks.


With HDX services,  all user sessions maintain their performance, even if network characteristics change. Enabling display optimization by utilizing long-haul connections, while maintaining server scalability, ensures optimum performance and productivity. These sessions can be seamlessly switched without any additional configuration needed. Therefore, a highly responsive session can be provided for a variety of endpoints and devices. 

Virtualizing 3D engineers, geoscientists, graphic designers, and business professionals alike allows for increased productivity, collaboration, flexibility, and availability no matter where they are located. Because virtual desktop interface has evolved over the years, it is no longer restricted to desktops with minimum resolutions and now holds the capacity of outputting quality high resolution for numerous desktops.

Pros and Cons of VDI and byod Management

Our world has made a massive shift into the digital environment since the COVID-19 pandemic began. This means that more businesses have moved their workplace and products online. While Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) policies can improve employee productivity, if left unaddressed by your IT team, it can present challenges. Still, remote desktop support is capable of improving your company’s experience with personal devices by integrating them with acceptable use policies and IT security.

Challenges of BYOD Policy

Whether you are a small business or an enterprise, you must exert some level of control over devices that are not owned by you. When it comes to your IT department, there must be an adequate number of staff members for remote desktop support issues that may arise. BYOD policy places more complex responsibility on your support team because there are greater risks of vulnerability to your company’s data. Of those that don’t plan on adopting BYOD policy in the near future, the most common reason is security concerns. For instance, your employees may not have anti-virus software or firewalls on every device they are using.

There also comes the headache of the lack of uniformity of devices. Perhaps everyone is using a Mac except for one person who is using Windows. This may lead to operating issues, which will require your team to learn two different operating procedures. When your business provides the same devices to all employees, there is less disruption. In the same vein, when it comes to software, BYOD policy isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Finding software programs that work conveniently for everyone can be frustrating, on top of the eventual differences in upgrades. While outsourcing your IT to Software as a Service (SaaS) is the easiest measure you can take, your employees still may struggle to use their devices.

Benefits of BYOD Policy

If your remote desktop support team is prepared to take on the necessary additional security measures, a BYOD policy can help out your business with the struggle that is not being with everyone. Over half of today’s highest-performing, customer-oriented companies are authorizing the use of personal devices both at home and in the office. By allowing employees to use their own devices from home, there is an increase in their productivity and job satisfaction. The flexible work arrangements and comfort with their devices mean lower technology costs for your business. After all, with the cost of a device shifting from the company to the employee, so does the data plan, regular updates, and insurance.

If your business is opting to go the BYOD route, mobile device management (MDM) solutions offer simultaneous freedom for employees and control for employers. Components include application and endpoint security, identity and access management (IAM), and device tracking. With MDM tools to deal with monitoring and troubleshooting, a BYOD policy can run much smoother.

Consider Your Technology Capabilities

Once again, recognize that not all solutions are compatible with your operating systems and devices. Your two options, in this case, are to offer different solutions for each type or purchase solutions with cross-device compatibility. By evaluating your current technology capabilities, you can fill the gaps to develop a successful BYOD policy. Your business should also work with your remote desktop support team to determine the best security solutions. Cloud storage is a great way to give employees access to internal documents. However, the controls are dependent on the provider. Before leaving the cloud open, have some discussion with the provider about leveraging additional technical controls to enforce your BYOD policy.

Hire Centre Technologies for Virtual Desktop Services

BYOD solutions can create efficiencies in your workplace, but they also introduce vulnerabilities. Before you kick off a BYOD policy, think about what impact it could have on your business in the future. If you have the right safeguarding systems in place to protect your company data, then it can be a great option for your small or medium business. At Centre Technologies, we operate with integrity and professionalism to reduce the cost of managing your IT for remote desktop support and beyond. 

The most significant contribution to improving your bottom line is keeping your workforce productive through all kinds of challenges. With Centre Technologies, you can virtualize your desktops, host accounts, applications and operating systems in the cloud. This enables you to scale your organization quickly and securely without relying on individual devices.

At Centre Technologies, we want to help you maximize your systems and processes and create a digital transformation that helps you stay competitive and keep up with industry trends. Contact us today to learn more about our services and insights into innovative technologies.

Originally published on April 28, 2022

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Emily Kirk Emily Kirk

Creative content writer and producer for Centre Technologies. I joined Centre after 5 years in Education where I fostered my great love for making learning easier for everyone. While my background may not be in IT, I am driven to engage with others and build lasting relationships on multiple fronts. My greatest passions are helping and showing others that with commitment and a little spark, you can understand foundational concepts and grasp complex ideas no matter their application (because I get to do it every day!). I am a lifelong learner with a genuine zeal to educate, inspire, and motivate all I engage with. I value transparency and community so lean in with me—it’s a good day to start learning something new! Learn more about Emily Kirk »

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